
Friday, August 31, 2012

Plaque Message Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Up until now, I've mostly used a crinkle oval cutter for my message cookies.

Not anymore!  I bought four different plaque cutters at Plastics in Print.  Aren't they fabulous!?

Here's the link to PIP, but they're closed for now.  That link won't actually work until they re-open.  When they do, they're going to have lots of new cutters.  Can't wait!

I printed out my messages on a word document then used my KopyKake projector.  I was really pleased with the piping.  This time, my icing consistency was just perfect.  Piping is soooooo much easier and neater when the icing isn't too thick or too thin.  I really have to make sure in the future that I get that piping icing right!  It makes a world of difference.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ABCs for Back to School Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

A message for some teachers in royal icing.

I showed you the mini lined paper cookies with the ABCs here. To add a bit more interest, I decided to include "Have a great year!".

I'm really loving these little guys.  Very cute!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Maryland Blue Crab Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

These were for a little boy baby shower.  Brilliant, right?  I'd never thought of using crabs for a baby, but he's a future Marylander, so why not?  Start 'em early!  How cute would these be in pink for a baby girl?

Regular sized crabs.

Itty bitty mini crabs.

You can see the size difference here.

And army of minis!  That's 48!

Monday, August 6, 2012

First Birthday Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

It was a Minnie themed party!

I really searched around for a Minnie cutter with the bow.  I finally found it here. I cut off the bottom of the cookie, leaving just the ears hat.  I didn't want a huge black cookie.

Hot pink cupcakes and ovals with polka dot bows.

White daisies were on the invitations and were the centerpiece, so here they are in cookie form.

I love adding minis to message cookies!

Candles, #1, and hearts.

I'm not thrilled with my little wet on wet flowers on the 1s and hearts.

The bows on the oval cookies were royal icing transfers.  What a time-saver and they all came out the same.  Gotta love that!

The bows on the hats were piped right onto the cookies. First I made a bow template, traced it onto the cookies, then piped.

You can see how the bows on the ovals are raised above the cookies, while the ones on the ears are flat.

(Did you notice that I forgot the polka dots on the bow centers of the ear cookies?!)

The icing under the bows is a very thin layer, but
I'm concerned that it may be too much icing and too crunchy.  I should have kept one to taste to find out!

These were very fun to decorate and I'm quite pleased with how they came out.