
Monday, October 10, 2016

Turkey Cookie Puzzle for Thanksgiving

Each month I hold an adult cookie decorating party.  November is coming up so I needed a fresh idea for the Thanksgiving party.

How about a turkey cookie puzzle?!  I decorated three of them.  This one is my favorite.  It includes names of family members and words that sum up Thanksgiving.

Polka dots and marbling adorn this Tom.  He actually got a real face.

This guy is donning stripes and hearts.

Here are the cookies laid out before decorating.

Next step was outlining.

Here is the inspiration for my turkey puzzle.  I saw this clip art and loved it.  It includes "pie" as one of the words.  LOL.  I purchased the clip art, then with Jeff from Truly Mad Plastics, we drew up shapes for the cutters.

There are 10 cutters needed, including just two for the feathers.  My turkeys above included 20 cookies - all minis and smalls.  The final platters measured about 7 1/2" across.  They're not large platters, so I intend to include some extra mini cookies.  Leaves perhaps?
Would you like to decorate your own turkey puzzle?  Come to my cookie party on November 19, 2016 in Middletown, MD or purchase the cutters and make your own!

The cookie cutters for this turkey puzzle are available here at Truly Mad Plastics.

This little drawing might help you figure out how to put the puzzle together.  I numbered my cutters to help remember where everything goes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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