
Friday, February 17, 2012

Save the Date Bridal Shower Calendar Sugar Cookies

Tomorrow is my neighbor's daughter's bridal shower. It's dead of winter here but the wedding isn't until July. July 7th in case you hadn't noticed. Ha!

The theme for the shower is "Think Summer" She'll be using a lot of flowers for decorations and for guests to take home.

Isn't the calendar design fabulous? It's from Haniela. Wouldn't any bride love to see *her* date like this?

Haniela made a template and used food markers to make her perfect lines. I used piping consistency royal icing, eyeballing and shaky hands to make my imperfect lines.

The lines actually weren't so bad if you start with making the rectangle up top, then make one vertical line down the middle, then divide those two areas in half. Do the same with the horizontal - pipe across the middle, then pipe across the middle of those two spaces.

My neighbor requested orange flowers with yellow centers. I would have liked to make the hearts on the calendars orange, but she asked for red.

After I finished decorating, those red hearts bothered me. I didn't like that there was no red anywhere else so I decided to add the little hearts to the flowers.

That made me feel better.

Summery and happy for a bridal shower.

Fifty eight cookies packed up and ready to go.


  1. Awww. Very far from perfect but thank you!

  2. I would love to order these! Where do I do that and can the flower cookies be different spring colors?? GREAT JOB!!

  3. Thank you!

    You can see the calendars on my website here...

    Anything can be customized. Some flower examples here...
