
Friday, May 4, 2012

Love Bird Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Love birds! Aren't they the sweetest? They would be fabulous for a bridal shower or wedding!

I've got to thank Dippin' Pops for these. I belong to a forum for cookie decorators. It's my go-to place to learn and be inspired. The ladies there are so encouraging and generous with their knowledge. Dippin Pops posted about her love bird cookies.  I just had to give them a go myself.

Then I had to make some bluebirds using the same cutter.  Super cute!


  1. My baby girl is named Robin. I'd love to have this Birdie cookie cutter. Can you give me a source so I can make some for her?

  2. It's a great cutter!

    Here it is . . .
